Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Ramana Maharishi Ashram

Ramana Maharishi Ashram Information

As you enter the Ramana Maharishi Ashram, you will be greeted by a calm and serene environment. A large open courtyard, bordered by shady trees and beautifully manicured gardens, give this ashram the tranquility that all of us aspire for. You will immediately feel a soothing stillness and harmony inside you.

Ramana Maharishi

Ramana Maharishi was born as Venkataraman in Tiruchuli village of Tamil Nadu, on 30th December 1879. An average child, he heard the name of Tiruvannamalai from an elderly relative and was deeply attracted towards it. Then, he came across a copy of Sekkilar's Periyapuranam, related to the lives of the Saiva saints. Soon after, he developed a desire to renounce the world and move on the path of spirituality. Thus began his life as one of the greatest sages of India, Sri Ramana Maharishi.

Sri Ramana Maharishi Ashram, Tiruvannamalai 

After renouncing the world, Sri Ramana Maharishi started living in a cave on the Arunachala Mountain, in Tiruvannamalai. As his devotes grew, the cave became too small and he moved to Skandasramam, a little higher up the mountainside. Soon, his mother also renounced the world and came to join him. In the year 1922, she achieved salvation and she was buried at the foot of the mountain. Ramana Maharishi started visiting the burial place regularly and one day, he decided to stay there permanently. Later, Sri Niranjanananda Swami, his younger brother, started the construction of Sri Ramanasramam at the place.

Teachings of Sri Ramana Maharishi
  • A guru need not be in the human form only. Guru makes you realize that God is within you.
  • Complete surrender, either to self or to God, leads to jnana or liberation.
  • Free will and destiny exist forever.
  • In order to be truly happy, one must known oneself.
  • Mind is the source of ego. Only when the heart takes over the mind can one attain the Self, the real, the eternal.
  • Renunciation is not a precondition for achieving liberation.
  • Self-realization is nothing but being oneself.
  • The only reality in the world is consciousness.
How to Reach Ramana Maharishi Ashram, India

By Air
The nearest airport is at Chennai (Madras), at a distance of approximately 250 km.

By Rail
Sri Ramana Ashram falls on the Villupuram-Katpadi branch line of the Southern Railway. However, it has no direct trains to Chennai.

By Road
There are direct bus services between Chennai and Tiruvannamalai. From there, one can take a taxi or auto rickshaw to Ramana Ashram.

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